Active Working Groups

Below is a list of our active working groups, with notes on their projects and current state of development.
If you’re interested in joining an existing working group, please fill out this form.
If you’d like to start a working group within DegrowUS, feel free to join us!


Discussion Groups

Purpose: To create, network and curate degrowth reading and discussion groups across the country.

Status: Live

Existing discussion groups: Chicago, IL metro area
Coming soon: Boston, MA metro area

To join a discussion group, start your own, or be in touch about what’s happening in the working group, fill out the working group sign-up form.



Purpose: To create and curate resources for education about degrowth, host teach-ins and public lectures, and spark degrowth conversations in organizations and institutions.

Status: Forming

Upcoming projects:
- Creating and curating teaching syllabi
- Hosting degrowth educational events

To find resources for degrowth education, contribute your own, or join the education working group, fill out the working group sign-up form.



Purpose: To organize the organizers, build DegrowUS’ internal organizational capacity, facilitate internal communications, on-board new members, assist in conflict resolution where needed.

Status: Live

Current projects: Establishing DegrowUS’ mission statement and values, on-boarding new members.

For more information, to provide resources for radical organizational structuring, ask questions, or join the Internal working group, fill out the working group sign-up form.


(Ironic) Fundraising

Purpose: Because we don’t live in a reciprocal moneyless gift economy yet, and even snails have to eat. To secure funding for events, workshops and publications, and hopefully (someday) be able to pay a living wage to our organizers.

Status: Forming

Upcoming projects:
- Build a continuous crowdfunding page
- Launch individual crowdfunding campaigns for events
- Research and write grants

Got skills to contribute, advice to give, sources of wealth to tap into, or interested in joining the working group? Fill out the working group sign-up form.


Media + Propaganda

Purpose: To create and publish media (articles, blog posts, zines, stories, videos, art, podcasts) about degrowth and amplify DegrowUS’ voice in the media world.

Status: Live

Current Projects:
- DegrowUS blog
- Writing Chicago 2018 reviews for various publications
- What is Degrowth? zine

For more information, to contribute writing/art/media, or to join this working group, fill out the working group sign-up form.

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Purpose: To build partnerships with allied organizations, manage our communications with the public, and conduct press outreach and amplification for events.

Status: Live

Current Projects:
- Maintaining social media channels
- Writing and distributing newsletters
- Contacting press and potential allies

To talk about our outreach, ask questions, create partnerships with us, interview us, or join this working group, fill out the working group sign-up form.



Purpose: To amplify, critique, support and discuss political policies and current issues, and determine how DegrowUS fits into various policy narratives.

Status: Forming

Upcoming Projects:
- Framework for DegrowUS endorsements
- Degrowth policy watch

To talk about policies, ask questions, bring issues to our attention, or join this working group, fill out the working group sign-up form.



Purpose: To create a master “toolkit” of resources for activists, teachers, advocates and workers interested in degrowing their communities and bringing the topic of degrowth into more conversatons.

Status: Forming

Current Projects:
- Creating a Degrowth Toolkit

To contribute resources, ask for tools, or join this working group, fill out the working group sign-up form.